
A scalable, web-based remote SCADA monitoring service that is configured to the user’s personal preference. It gives the user the ability to manage orifice plate changes, choke controls, alarm management and desired security levels.

Site Systems Software Inc.

SiteAnalyst™ eliminates the headaches of arranging remote communications and internet-based monitoring from multiple sources. It minimizes the number of skilled field personnel you need to manage remote operations. In addition, you will dramatically reduce costly downtime and increase both production and profits.

This is the ideal solution for independent operators of all sizes who do not have big IT budgets and resources, for larger energy companies with remote sites that lie beyond the reach of current SCADA networks, and for any business that needs to monitor conditions at remote locations.

The current implementation line-up includes:

  • Upstream Oil & Gas Well Monitoring and Daily recording
  • Upstream ESD Controls Facilities Monitoring & Controls
  • Gathering and Midstream Systems Monitoring & Controls
  • Offshore Platform Monitoring
  • Offshore Hurricane Controls
  • Reservoir, Waterway, and Water Treatment Monitoring & Controls

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SiteAnalyst ChartIt!
SiteAnalyst Timeline summary
SiteAnalyst Map View
SiteAnalyst Oil storage view

SiteAnalyst Pricing Model

Attractive Pricing Model

A smooth production flow is key to reduce down-time and production delays to maximize productivity. With SiteAnalyst™, all assets are monitored 24/7 providing real-time notification to field personnel and management of any problems, without having a costly field visit and preventing production downtime.

SiteAnalyst User-Preference Settings

User-Preference Settings

SiteAnalyst™ gives the user complete control on information he/she wants to see. Setting and options are available for the user to organize data in his/her personal preference. The user can sort, filter, or add and remove data according to data significance.

SiteAnalyst 24x7 Support Team

Support Team

SiteAnalyst™ comes with server management to our clients. All data and information are managed and organized carefully by our support team. We add and move meters to companies, create users, give access to specific data and offer technical assistance if needed.